
The meeting’s main themes are: 1) How membrane structure and function are regulated by small GTPases; 2) The roles of small GTPases in human disease.

Conference sessions will present the latest research and foster discussion on:
  • Small GTPases in secretion and endocytosis
  • Small GTPases - regulation and signaling
  • Coordination with autophagy and beyond
  • Structure of GTPases and friends
  • Coordination with cell polarity
  • Coordination with the cytoskeleton
  • GTPases in cell migration, cancer, and immunity
  • GTPases in neurological disorders
  • Small GTPases and their machineries as druggable targets
In addition to keynote lectures from Jennifer Lippincott Schwarz, PhD (HHMI, Janelia Research Campus) and EMBO Lecture, Marino Zerial, PhD (Max Planck Institute), the conference will feature nine sessions and two poster sessions. Additionally, “Meet the Expert” sessions will take place during conference dinners, offering attendees the opportunity to sign up for and join the table of one of the day’s speakers.