
Want to share your cutting-edge research findings with your colleagues? Consider submitting an abstract for a short talk and/or a poster. 

Abstracts for Short Talks 

Showcase your original research, innovative project, or novel program in a short talk presentation. All submitted abstracts are considered for a short talk unless the submitter has indicated that they only would like to present a poster. Conference organizers review and select the abstracts. If your abstract is selected, you will receive email notification approximately three weeks before the conference.
Please note that conference organizers reserve the right to decline any submitted abstract that lacks scientific content or merit. Additionally, content whose intent is to announce the availability of a resource or service may also be declined. Abstracts with an obvious commercial intent are not accepted.


Abstracts for Posters 

Similar to short talks, your poster presentation is an interactive way to engage with your colleagues and present your research. If you submit an abstract, you are automatically eligible to present a poster. 

Posters will be displayed with foam core backing on easels. FASEB will supply easels, pins, and the foam core backing sized 48 inches horizontal (1219.20 millimeters) by 36 inches (914.4 millimeters) vertical. Posters should not exceed these size limits.

Abstract Tips 

Check out the tips below for submitting your abstract: 
  • The abstract submission deadline is November 5, 2021
  • Abstracts should be uploaded after registering for the conference. There will be a link in the confirmation letter and confirmation webpage.  
  • Abstracts must be written in English with proper sentence formatting, including upper and lowercase letters and single-spaced paragraphs as appropriate. 
  • Content is limited to 3,000 characters, including spaces. 
  • Include background, hypothesis, methods, results, and conclusions. If you have grant information, include that in the appropriate field.  
  • Enter the abstract title, author(s), and affiliations in the fields provided, rather than in the main body of the text. 
  • List the primary or presenting author first. The primary or presenting author is expected to present at the conference. Additional co-authors should be included.
  • The abstract system only accepts text and does not accept images. For best results, cut and paste your abstract text from a Microsoft Word document into the abstract text area provided. You may also type content into the abstract text area. When pasting from Microsoft Word, click inside the text box. Be certain that special characters appear correctly in your abstract upon review.